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Please note, due to the COVID-19 situation groups and ministries are suspended until further notice.

Adoration & Benediction

Tuesday morning following the 10.00am Mass (10.30am – 11.30am) First Friday following the 6.15pm Mass & First Sunday of each month 5.00pm – 6.00pm. Sundays during Advent 5.00pm – 6.00pm

Advent Retreats

Each year we have an annual Advent Retreat as we prepare spiritually for the great gift of the Incarnation. This year even with COVID-19 restrictions (which will not allow the retreat to take place physically) we will come together virtually to celebrate a series of talks and reflections during the annual 4- week cycle of Advent. Canon William will facilitate the first talk and we will then move forward with a series of reflections to take in the theme of the weeks of Advent. It is also hoped to put on digitally a series of daily reflections on the run up to Christmas Day. The events will be advertised in the newsletter and website in good time.

Churches Together (ChTUTB) & Interfaith

Churches Together in Balham & Upper Tooting aim to improve communication between churches, through promotion of united acts of worship, united evangelisation and community service. There are twelve churches that meet about four times in the year although there are more then rendering support on the periphery. Meeting place can be either at the Salvation Army, Baptist Church, Methodist Church, St Anselm’s, or Church of the Ascension. Each church may nominate up to three representatives in addition to the clergy. Good Friday procession of Silent Witness, Holiday at home, Lenten Courses, Prayer Walk, Service for One World Week, Week of prayer of Christian Unity, Working Together & World Day of Prayer.

View their webiste by clicking on this link:

First Saturday Prayer Group (Our Lady of Fatima)

Our group meet in Our Lady chapel at 9am for 45minutes before the 10am Mass.

Friends of the Holy Family

Meet monthly in the parish halls, say the Rosary, share a reading and quiet time, discuss how to help to increase devotion to the Holy Family (e.g. ‘Rosary round the Crib’ at Christmas time) and to help specific families in need (Mass intentions and visiting).

Healing & Anointing Masses

St Anselm’s Parish has through the prayers of its Priests had a long tradition of a Healing Ministry. The Healing Services are held twice a year have been part of Parish life for decades. As well as regular opportunities for individual personal prayer and confession, two important opportunities exist for healing in a spiritual way. The healing ministry of the church allows for the priest of the parish to pray and lay hands on the person to be anointed. This powerful ministry is one of the seven great sacraments of the church and allows for the power of Jesus to be present in the anointing and the prayer. The Healing Mass is not just about physical illness or disability; it is about wholeness and is a deeply spiritual experience. During the Mass the suffering of Jesus himself and his oneness with us is acknowledged and the pain and suffering of those present is honoured with the church at the centre of what the church does; the whole universal church in focusing and honouring each participant in affirming and praying with them. Following the Mass fellowship is provided over tea, sandwiches, and homemade cakes. Transport can be arranged for the housebound if prior notice is given.

Intercessory Prayer Group

Meet weekly in the parish halls on a Tuesday evening 7.30-9.00pm. Everyone is welcome to join us with easy access via the step free ramp to the hall. We have a rotation of formal prayers, deliverance and protection prayers, prayers from the heart relying very much on the Holy Spirit to lead us.

Justice & Peace Group

The group meets a number of times during the year in the parish halls and welcomes ALL parishioners to journey with us. The Justice & Peace group aims to have a firm foundation in prayer and spirituality and a growing understanding of Catholic Social Teaching. Linked to this, is an on-going need to raise levels of awareness of the complexities of socio-economic and political factors that create injustice. We are in fact called to: “Act justly, love tenderly, walk humbly with God” (Micah 6: 8). The work of the Justice and Peace group can also be strengthened by the action of the Live simply Parish initiatives and the many opportunities we have as a Parish to reflect on the international and local needs of others.

Legion of Mary

Legion of Mary is a lay apostolic association of Catholics, who, with the sanction of the Church and under the powerful leadership of Mary Immaculate, Mediatrix of All Graces, serve the Church and their neighbour on a voluntary basis. Weekly Praesidium (group) meeting on a Monday 7.00pm – 8.30pm. Weekly apostolic work agreed with other members e.g. visiting residential homes to pray with residents.

Lenten Retreats

One of the main outstanding teaching and reflection opportunities offered to the Parish catering for a wide cross section of the Parish life have been the Lenten Retreats running sometimes just during the Lenten weeks but often in line with the training and teaching opportunities spread over a 8 or 12 week period. Study sessions usually with the use of a DVD from a Powerful and influential Catholic teacher and supplemented by Canon William and facilitated by Martine Mercer and Tom Gately have included the following titles: Robert Baron’s ‘Catholicism’, Mary, Mother of God, The Scriptures, Pivotal Players, Spirituality of the 12-Steps, Ignatian Retreat, Carmelite School of Prayer, Teresa of Avila, The Interior Castle, Lent, Holy Week & Easter.


As part of our spiritual journey the Parish undertakes in conjunction with St. Saviour’s Parish Lewisham to spend time over a week usually on a retreat opportunity to places of spiritual and educational important: Avila, Jerusalem, Knock, Lourdes, Poland and Rome. We also undertake an annual day outing together as group centred around the celebration of Mass and a visit to a church/shrine of national importance, including Canterbury, Ramsgate, and Arundel to name but a few.

Pro-Life Group

Under the patronage of Our Lady of Guadalupe and with her unfailing intercession, the St Anselm’s Pro-Life Group exists to proclaim God’s eternal truth that human life is sacred from the moment of conception to natural death. Faithful at all times to the doctrine and teachings of the Roman Catholic Church, we devote ourselves to pray and to work for the establishment of a culture of life and for an end to the culture of death. Our group meet on the first Monday of the month in the parish hall 8.00pm – 9.00pm. Pro-Life Adoration – through the year and includes Holy rosary, scripture readings, Divine Mercy Chaplet and silent adoration.
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