What we do
Throughout the year special Masses are celebrated including Masses of Healing & Anointing, International Masses, Adoration and Benediction, Services of Reconciliation and of course all the parish sacramental programmes, as well as the great Feasts of Christmas
and Easter. All celebrations are well advertised and can be reviewed in the annual parish calendar, newsletter and website.
There are annual Retreats taking place weekly during the periods of Advent and Lent, prayer groups including the Intercessory Prayer Group, Friends of the Holy Family, Pro-Life, Legion of Mary and a full sacramental programme of Baptism, Reconciliation (the Sacrament of Reconciliation is always available) Confirmation, Marriage Preparation and Rite of Christian Initiation, Journey in Faith (for those who wish to renew their faith or are new to our Church) on a regular basis during the year.
Bereavement Support is available alternate months on a Saturday afternoon and on a one to one basis at any time, and our parish Outreach is part of our Mission Covenant with the Poor supported by the SVP supporting
Foodbank, Manna, Spires, Wandsworth Prison and the homeless in our society, our parish Caring Kitchen, Soup & Sandwich Club and Coffee mornings.
We are fortunate to have a large number of catechists and liturgists to support the various youth programmes in the parish, including the Little Fishes (Under 5 liturgy), The Followers (Over 5 liturgy), Mothers Prayer Group, Little Angels toddler group, Junior and Senior Youth Groups as well.
We as a Parish are committed to Living Simply in line with the CAFOD Live Simply pledge and
we follow the initiative of Pope Francis outlined in his encyclical Laudato Si (Praise be to you).