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Young People of the Parish

Browse the list and click more to find out more about the various groups.

Catechism classes (For children attending non-Catholic Schools)

These sessions are held on Saturday mornings (term time) 10.45am – 11.30am in the parish halls. Any children...

Children at the Family Mass

We welcome and encourage parents to bring their children to Mass. 

Children's Liturgy

St Anselm’s Church welcomes families, including babies and young children, especially at the Family Mass at 10am on Sundays.

Good Friday

On Good Friday, the children of the parish have their own ‘Children’s Way of the Cross’ at 12noon in the church. 

Guild of St Stephen (Altar Servers)

Ever thought of deepening your faith? Do you want to do something different to help the parish? Do you like working in a team? Well, may be becoming an altar server is the thing for you!

Junior & Youth Clubs

The Junior Youth club which has run over many years is currently being reviewed.

Little Angels (Toddler Group)

Little Angels is the toddler group of St Anselm’s Church, Tooting Bec run by mothers of the parish a play group for babies and pre-school children of the parish.

Mother’s Prayer Group

Time for reflection with Our Lady, model of joy and generosity.

Saturday Catechism Classes

For children attending non-Catholic schools.

Senior Youth Club

The Senior Youth club which has run over many years is currently being reviewed.

The Christmas Story (4th Sunday of Advent)

On the 4 th Sunday of Advent, the children of the parish in costume traditionally lead

the Holy Hour with the ‘Christmas Story’ a play by mime, readings and carols which

concludes with all the children together on the sanctuary steps receiving a final

blessing from the priest.

Youth Music Ministry

The parish has had a long history of talented musicians and singers over the years.

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