St. Anselm’s is a place of worship and faith. It is a vibrant and joyous community where we join together to serve as part of a living community the Lord Jesus Christ and where we share a ministry of prayer and service. The Church and the community have been present in Tooting Bec since 1909.
For Baptism, Marriages and Funeral Arrangements contact the parish office
Tel: 020 8672 2179 or email: tootingbec@rcaos.org.uk
Canon William's message is at the bottom of the page

Greetings, in Christ - A message from Canon William

Welcome to your Parish.
As you can see this Parish has a long history of ministry and an equally long history of Priests who have loyally served our community of faith.
I welcome you as your Parish Priest, to a place dedicated to St Anselm, but above all to a place committed to prayer as the foundation for the life of our family. If you are a parishioner, I thank you for the way you serve Christ in your Parish; and if you are a newcomer or guest, welcome.
Please join us and be part of a living community to share prayer and ministry to others here in this place. As you get to know more of your Parish and your fellow parishioners you can see that this is a compassionate place, where we minister to those in need, to those who need compassion, and to those who want to belong.
I remind everyone of two things:
Firstly, to belong to one of the many ministries that take place in this Parish and to offer the opportunity of sharing your talent for the good of others is part of our Christian duty. Christ said "Love your neighbour as yourself." Therefore, I urge you to think of your talents and share them with this your parish community.
Secondly, we have a duty to pray. St. Paul reminds us to "pray without ceasing" (1 Thessalonians 5:7) and I urge each and every one of you to spend time in prayer. It can be quiet reflection spent in the church, the lighting of a candle, the attending of a Eucharistic celebration during the week, the saying of the Rosary, Eucharistic Adoration & Benediction or the reflective thought during the activity of a busy day. Pray with us here, pray to have time to reflect, pray to have time to let Jesus into your busy life.

If you would like to donate to the parish please do so using the portal below.

"For I do not seek to understand in order that I may believe, but I believe in order to understand. For this also I believe that unless I believe I shall not understand." St Anselm