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Stewards & Ushers

We have a large number of ushers who assist over weekend Masses and at special liturgical celebrations through the year. They assist the parishioners in the church, arrange the offertory procession of gifts and collection as well as tidy up the church after the Mass during normal times. However, during COVID-19 extra stewards have been trained to welcome and guide parishioners in the church with all the new health and safety guidelines, especially as the congregation move forward to receive Holy Communion as we ensure social distancing is maintained as we all move about the church and as everyone leaves after Mass through the one-way system. The stewards are then responsible for the whole church being sanitised after every use to ensure we provide a safe and secure environment for all our parishioners and visitors. We are extremely grateful to everyone for their understanding and patience as we adapt to the new normal in the church at this time. If you would like to assist, please do get in contact with the parish office.

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