Guild of Blessed Sacrament (Ministers of Holy Communion)
The Guild was founded in 1539 by Pope Paul III. Its purpose was to promote devotions to the Real Presence of Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. The Eucharist is the source and summit of the Mass and of our Christian life. The fullness of its mystery should be seen not only in the celebration of the Holy Mass, but also in devotions to the sacred species which remain after Mass. Aims of the Guild: To promote public and private devotions to the Real and abiding presence of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament. It seeks to make know the teachings and discipline of the church in matters pertaining to the mystery of the Eucharist. To enable churches to remain open for at least some hours during the day by establishing a rota of those who can keep Vigil before the Blessed Sacrament. The Guild helps to promote local Corpus Christi procession at parish level. The Guild aims to promote vocations to the priesthood. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are expected to attend Holy hour on the first Sunday of the month as they are supporters of the Guild. An invitation to be commissioned as an extraordinary minister of holy communion is extended by the Parish Priest.