Music & Choirs
Be a St Anselm’s soprano, an Anselm alto, a Tooting tenor of a Bass in the Bec!
St Augustine once said to sing was to pray twice” and so music is a very important part of the liturgical experience of the faithful here in St Anselm’s We are very fortunate in having a variety of musical participation to enhance the liturgy: Family Folk Masses twice a month at the 10am Family Mass (1st and 3rd Sunday). Cantor led singing at both 10am & 11.15am Masses. Formal choir made up of thirty to forty parishioners who come together for the main liturgical celebrations of the year: Christmas, Easter, and celebrations of the conferral of sacraments: Ordination to the Diaconate, First Holy Communions & Confirmations. In addition, the choir has supported the Diocesan Annual Catechetical Day at St George’s Cathedral as well as various other celebrations in the parish, including the Feast of St Anselm, International Mass. We are extremely fortunate to draw upon a team of regular organists, percussionist and musicians who support their parish in enhancing the liturgy. The celebration of music is an all inclusive and embracing experience for all its members with different levels of musical ability, but all involved in the spirit of unity, enlightenment, and fellowship. Music workshops are held several times during the year for an opportunity to introduce new music and songs. These songs range from the traditional to contemporary and to chant. You do not need to be able to read music or audition, but if you enjoy singing or playing an instrument and have lots of enthusiasm and would like to be part of this lively and vibrant ministry do come and join us. Our Virtual Choir led by Hannah and David Furey has been up and running since lockdown and continues to enhance many of our liturgies and special celebrations during COVID-19. We are always looking for more members to join our choir, so why not give us a try! If you are interested please contact: the parish office or stanselmstbecstreaming@gmail.com for further information.